Section Code

Day Classes01, 02, 03, etc. 15 week format
0E – meet after 4:00 p.m. for 16 weeks

Evening / Online / or Weekend Classes
These section Codes are made up of two or three characters which designate campus location, session and if necessary, any special meeting format.

The first character of the section code designates the location of the class:

DOnline Class
GGainesville Campus (evening)
PNorth Atlanta Campus (North Perimeter)

For a section code that begins with an alpha character, the second character of the section code designates the session:

_1meets for the first seven weeks
_2meets for the second seven weeks
_Wmeets on eight weekends
_Emeets evenings for entire semester (Will break for 1 week [spring break] during spring semester. Fall semester classes will not meeting during the 2 day fall-break.) Please refer to the Academic Calendar for dates.
_Fmeets during the day for eight weeks (summer only)

The third character (if present) designates a special format or a split class during a standard format class:

_ _ Ameets the first four weeks of a summer day session
_ _ Bmeets the second four weeks of a summer day session
_ _X (or Y)Additional section during the session indicated by the second character. This is the result of a roster for a regularly scheduled class which has been split into two separate rosters.

Online Classes

D1Class meets Session 1 of the semester
D2Class meets Session 2 of the semester
DEClass meets for the full semester. (Will break for 1 week [spring break] during spring semester.) Please refer to the Academic Calendar for dates.
Additional section during the session indicated by the second character. This is the result of a regularly scheduled section roster split into two or more rosters.

CampusWEB Registration Instructions

Returning students may register themselves through CampusWEB. New online students may register through campusWEB after meeting with their adviser and being cleared by their adviser for registration. We recommend that students attempt registration during non-peak internet hours (after 6 p.m. and before 8 a.m.)

Here are video instructions for CampusWEB login and registration.

  1. Go to The Brenau single sign on page and log on. You would use your Brenau network ID (your tiger email account prefix (ex. msmith) in the top box and the pin you created when you set up your SSO sign in. The sign in information would have been emailed to you from the IT department. If you did not see the email in your personal email account, check your spam and trash folders.
  2. Click on Campus Web.
  3. After you login, click on the option “my registration” on the dashboard. If you are on a computer, it will appear as a list on the left. On your phone, click on the three dashes at the top-right-hand of the screen to access the dashboard.
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen and enter your registration. Add courses individually using the department drop down box and enter the course number and section codes in 2nd and 3rd boxes or choose to search for classes and click the “add” button next to the search results.
  5. If you have any problems, please contact the Registrar’s Office at 770 534-6203 or at

Non-CampusWeb Registration Instructions

  1. Students are encouraged to consult with their adviser each semester for schedule support. Students must complete all registration possible via CampusWEB. If a student can not register for a course in CampusWEB, the student may submit a Registration Form. Since this form is submitted to the major chair or dean, only use this form in cases where registration can not be completed via CampusWEB, including when the requested additional course(s) puts the student into academic overload.