Freedom – a Brenau ideal

Brenau Ideal

This year, Brenau University will be closed July 4-5 for the Independence Day holiday.

While I am glad to reward our hard-working students and employees with a four-day weekend, I hope many will remember why we celebrate the holiday. July Fourth marks the date when the 13 American colonies declared independence from Great Britain, an act that changed our nation and the world forever.

When I think about freedom, I’m reminded of the words of Dr. H.J. Pearce, one of Brenau’s earliest presidents. 

The Brenau Ideal includes the statement, “to enjoy that freedom which comes from knowledge of the Truth.” Pearce believed that freedom is only fully experienced through knowing truth. He was convinced that knowing truth was the prerequisite for ultimately experiencing freedom. The freedom to enjoy all the benefits that come from cooperation and association with humankind. 

Thank you for all you do for the university, and I hope you enjoy the holiday safely with family and friends.