Hosch Theatre

Songs of the Sky

Hosch Theatre 429 Academy St., Gainesville, GA, United States

The Brenau University Department of Music is happy to host "Songs of the Sky," featuring Brenau's Vocal Chamber Ensemble, under the direction of Dr. Ashley Conway, and the Habersham Central High School Chorus, under the direction of Lindsay Murray. Join us for an evening concert with music all about the sky by composers like Josef […]

Ivester Endowed Lectureship with Speaker Erik Qualman

Hosch Theatre 429 Academy St., Gainesville, GA, United States

Please join us for an evening with best-selling author and keynote speaker, Erik Qualman. Qualman, a professor at Northwestern University and formerly at Harvard & MIT’s edX labs, will talk about the impact of AI on higher education. His business books are used in more than 200 universities and he has received an honorary doctorate […]


Brenau Dance presents…Senior Thesis and Guest Artist Concert

Hosch Theatre 429 Academy St., Gainesville, GA, United States

Brenau Dance is excited to feature creative works by senior dance majors. The concert will also showcase works from critically-acclaimed choreographers: Kevin Jenkins, Quaba Ernest, Jake Bone, and Francine Ott. The evening will highlight works investigating different topics and exhibiting composition prowness supported by contemporary, ballet, modern, and Afro-modern movement vocabulary.

Brenau Dance presents…Senior Thesis and Guest Artist Concert

Hosch Theatre 429 Academy St., Gainesville, GA, United States

Brenau Dance is excited to feature creative works by senior dance majors. The concert will also showcase works from critically-acclaimed choreographers: Kevin Jenkins, Quaba Ernest, Jake Bone, and Francine Ott. The evening will highlight works investigating different topics and exhibiting composition prowness supported by contemporary, ballet, modern, and Afro-modern movement vocabulary.

Brenau Dance presents…Senior Thesis and Guest Artist Concert

Hosch Theatre 429 Academy St., Gainesville, GA, United States

Brenau Dance is excited to feature creative works by senior dance majors. The concert will also showcase works from critically-acclaimed choreographers: Kevin Jenkins, Quaba Ernest, Jake Bone, and Francine Ott. The evening will highlight works investigating different topics and exhibiting composition prowness supported by contemporary, ballet, modern, and Afro-modern movement vocabulary.

Brenau Dance presents…Senior Thesis and Guest Artist Concert

Hosch Theatre 429 Academy St., Gainesville, GA, United States

Brenau Dance is excited to feature creative works by senior dance majors. The concert will also showcase works from critically-acclaimed choreographers: Kevin Jenkins, Quaba Ernest, Jake Bone, and Francine Ott. The evening will highlight works investigating different topics and exhibiting composition prowness supported by contemporary, ballet, modern, and Afro-modern movement vocabulary.